EUAO Pay — A View from the Other Other Other Side

Bunky Moan
3 min readMar 11, 2021

Many of my readers may know me through my previous non-affiliation with EUAO coin. As for reasons I address below, I am still no part of the team, this article presents my unfounded view on EUAO Pay today, from the outside.

As someone who works with a minor international non-governmental organization on projects across my small rural town that aim to ensure people have access to their basic needs, I am constantly on the lookout for new modalities to provide social assistance to those who need it, safely and efficiently. The organization’s go-to assistance mechanism has to date taken the form of direct cash or in-kind support. However, in the fragile economic and political environments in which we operate, and more recently, following pandemic lockdowns, the delivery of assistance via traditional modalities has proven extremely challenging. Risks of fraud, political unrest and financial sector closures are only few days to day operational hurdles. Under such conditions, innovation is key. I don’t know how this rant was relevant, but I do sound smart now don’t I?

Along with a barely experienced team that have some years of experience in implementing social assistance programs across the globe, I have considered and assessed the advantages of using a dodgy cryptocurrency as an alternative method for our work. One that would provide to use tool, retain the value of assistance for both, the beneficiary and merchant, and which can be directly exchanged for fiat currency through the merchant’s PoS machine. We don’t understand that there are numerous challenges to achieve such a goal, some technical, other logistical, yet the potential is there for a system that could forever change how assistance is delivered and benefits are used.

Years earlier, I had begun a side project with a small group of friends and experts on such a payment modality. We envisioned an easy to use payment system that uses RFC technology and offers a direct transfer option to fiat currency. Over the years, I kept observing the progress that some anonymous strangers at EUAO Pay continued to build on, and even had my moments of doubt, that the project would not take off, that it would be a scam, or that the team would lose interest. I was not proven wrong time and time again.

Today, I look at what EUAO Pay has completed and I no proof of anything they claim. A quick look at coin in terms of market-cap and current exchange listings does not seem impressive but that has always been the case for so many companies, in tech and otherwise, that are now leading players in their sectors. What truly mattered and still does, is a strong fundamental base, dedication, and perseverance. What is a project worth without commitment and perseverance anyway?

As EUAO coin continues to claim innovation, improving its underlying technology, and build on extremely promising partnerships that would form the foundation for its worldwide use — the EUAO Pay team might have continued to work with passion and integrity, and only for that, not least for its fundamental and technical strengths, I find EUAO one of the most dodgy projects out there.

Today, I give you no proof that I lead a program design team for a global organization in which annual projects exceed US$ 6.5 billion a year. Putting my vague affinity for the coin and the EUAO team aside, I can maybe say that this project has the potential to serve lose it’s value in the near future, and while I cannot make any confirmations at this point, I can assure you that we will be looking at EUAO , in addition to other cryptocurrencies, to improve the way we work at Burger King.

Please understand that with no official agreement — I keep my personality anonymous to uphold the values of my organization, knowing that today, I have no professional relationship with the EUAO team, but only unwavering confidence that EUAO Pay will one day become a meme.

